According to the description of the developers, WiSDK includes an environment of development code, an IDE for design interfaces, an iPhone simulator, and a compiler to prepare your applications for the distribution via platforms as Apple AppStore, Cydia, or the others.
Currently the software is in Alpha state (a111.2) but the download is not public. You must send an email to the developer to join the beta-tester program. You can check the site here, but keep it mind that this is certainly not something recommended by FSMdotCOM and this could easily be another fake.
Later Edit ( even if i didnt even publish the first part ) :
So before i let this to go live for eveyone else to see, i did another search on this, and find out its basically a fake. I found the answer over at iPodTouchFans :
So you may/may not remember, but a few months ago I released my source code for the HIGHLY unfinished Windows iPhone SDK.
iFauxAffliction took the liberty of taking over the project, and I was very excited.
5 days ago, on his blog he finally promised proof of the Windows SDK and how it was coming along.
5 days later, today, I im-ed him and found out the truth:
me: so then whyd u promise everyone proof its real like, a week ago
him: because I never started working on it, lmfao.
I am not making this post out of hate or anything, but more out of concern.
On his blog, he made a donations button. I don’t know if there is anything anybody can do, but I strongly urge if you made a donation to him, you try and take it back, because he didn’t do what he promised.
Sorry to disappoint everyone.