WTFjeans: Jeans With Special iPhone Pockets

Everybody is trying to capitalize on gadgets and usually the magic word is ‘iPhone’. You got iPhone cases, cleaning products, skins, sleeves, underwear, rocks… and a pair of jeans. That’s right, the WTF product of the day, is a pair of jeans *compatible with the iPhone and iPod Touch*

The WTFjeans have two front pockets, both divided in two separate pockets, where you can stick an iPhone, iPod Touch, USB sticks, or any gadget you like. The interior of the pockets is made from micro-fiber that will protect your iPhone or iPod touch, as well as cleaning it when you take it out.

Guys, we get extra protection. No matter whether you wear the family jewels on the right like 90 percent of guys, or whether you’re a leftie — extra padding on both sides keeps them cozy.

If you are an early bird, they got 400 pairs that you can buy from the official site for €79/pair ( around $108 ) by August 1st. After the stock is exhausted, they will have another stock of 500 pairs, and the price will be €109 ( around $150 ).